As developers or programmers, we heard of react-native a lot of times. A lot of companies use react natives to build classical to extended applications.
There are people who are believing that react is complicated, Especially beginner people who are not aware of some new tools like Redux, Simulator, JSX, Build Library, and so on.
As per the terms and name convenient, React is not complicated. Even if you start your development, then you will get to know that the tools are easy to use and simple than you are hearing.
Before beginning, the essential thing let’s clear the concept of what is react native and why we have to use it?
What are React and React Native applications?
React is just a component-based structure and react native is a JavaScript framework that is used to create iOS and Android mobile applications which support cross platforms.
In react native you are supposed to write code JavaScript, and the compiler automatically converts your JS code into native code for use. Moreover, it is not a web view or user interface, nor using any HTML, they have its markup language to do the job.
Why do we have to use React Native
You need to code ones only for development.
React native will compress your time.
Less expensive and more comfortable to build the applications.
Open source and many APIs.
Supporting Cross-Platform and Native Bundle.
Easy to learn and debug the applications.
Having various tools and sub-framework to develop applications.
When we have to use React Native
So when you develop your mobile application with only java or swift, then you can not get re-usability of code. However, You can work with Android and iOS if you are going with react native. So when you want to do the re-usability of code and wanted the cross-platform functionality at that time, you have to use react native.
So, if you want to learn react-native from react native developers, then you are in precisely the right place. We will help you to learn basic react native development concepts which will give you some perfection in your react native journey.
So here is the essential thing that you have to learn as a beginner of react-native.
JavaScript and scripting language
If you do not know JavaScript, your job isn't done. You must have to learn JavaScript & react native, as react native is a native language itself that is based on scripting language followed by JavaScript.
As a beginner, we are recommending you that read the books and online resources on JavaScript. There were a lot of resources available online and offline in which you can get the basic knowledge of JavaScript.
Learn React Fundamental First
When you get into reacting, follow the React Official documentation to learn the basic fundamentals of reacting only. The react documentations include basic things like Ajax, React Dom, JSX, and so on.
There were several tools are there like CodeSandbox, and Create-react-app from which you can start your journey from scratch.
Make a Small application or Project
As we know very well that if you are doing R&D, it makes you a more robust programmer or coder. When you start with the small Project, we know you will face a lot of hurdles in your journey.
However, it's the best thing to learn and get solutions to the various challenges you face while creating a simple project. If you didn't understand the core concept, learn again and build the same applications like Facebook or a part of the app itself.
Learn Basic Tools and resources.
There were several tools, and sub frameworks are there from which you can quickly get most of the knowledge and will help you to build some extensive applications.
Publishing or creating a basic app doesn't mean you learned everything; just go through some advanced tools and resources to build some advanced-level applications.
So these are the tools that you need to learn when you go through the advanced level of development.
Do not jump directly to the advanced level.
When you start learning to react native with the guide of react native developers like us, then don't jump directly to the advanced level.
Go through one after the other and don't be frustrated if you go beyond the level and hear some advanced-level terms during development. Follow some practices like Building Small applications or projects, then intermediate level which follows large projects.
Now I hope you have learned many things about react and react native development from react native developers.
Still, if you have any questions or suggestions, you can comment below.